Two Songs: “Deserter” + “Sans Revival”

Have you ever listened to an album and found that every time you go back to hear a particular track, you have to listen to the one right after it as well — like the first just wouldn’t make as much sense or be as powerful if not for the other? It’s as if while you were listening to the first song, the second was spontaneously creating itself as the perfect complement or antithesis to the one before it. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, I find myself stuck in this revolving, two-song universe for extended periods of time.

Here’s one such universe off the Early Day Miners’ album Offshore. While I think “Sans Revival” is the better of the two tracks, “Deserter” really sets a desolate stage with a backdrop of screeching guitars followed by a perfectly timed harmonica solo. This bleeds into the slow build of “Sans Revival”, which never quite erupts into the expected climax, but still keeps you wanting more with an incredibly catchy melody and a series of drum fills that tease you into thinking that the next level is just around the corner. It’s not, and you’re left with only one solution: Start the entire sequence over again…

Any one else find that this happens to them? If so, what are the tracks?

16 comments on “Two Songs: “Deserter” + “Sans Revival”

  1. I rears likes that song, please tell me they have more. Also 7/4 shoreline before major label debut, not because they go particularly well together but because i can.

  2. I only have Offshore (which is all around a solid listen), but I know they quite a few other albums as well. Someone should look into buying one…

  3. Svefn-g-englar to Staralfur
    Song 8 to Song 9 (Yume Bitsu)
    and the entire Dark Side of the Moon album, let’s be serious.

  4. Woah, I think i would need to give the whole album a listen before i jump to any conclusions. You know i only buy the best cd’s (4 in my last nineteen years: Smash Mouth, Lincoln Park, ACDC, and lets not forget my least favorite Wilco album). They are promising though, i listened to a few random songs on youtube.

  5. And now that I realize that it was David being serious, and not Matt being sarcastic, my comment makes no sense.

  6. Haha… so much fail. But ya, those are legitimately the only cd’s i’ve ever bought. Two of them made it to my actual itunes, safe to say ACDC feels sadly out of place.

  7. Our university believes in listening to trash and trash alone. If it isn’t “Take Me Home Tonight”, or a song in the top 25, it won’t be played here. So a used CD store in Oxford is just completely unnecessary.

  8. This is unfortunate. I’m not sure what I would have done without Wazoo and/or Encore during my time in undergrad. I’d probably be listening to a lot more Coldplay or something… Wait, I already do that…

  9. Speaking of which, I’m working on learning “Yellow” now. Remember that drunken conversation we had about how Coldplay would have been more respected if Chris Martin were a bad singer. Last time I checked, we were bad singers. Do the math.

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