Stolen Sunshine Mix, cont: Downtempo Electronica

So I don’t know what happened, but it’s been 50 degrees and rainy for three weeks straight. After such auspicious beginnings, springtide fever has regressed to a seemingly endless tract of dishwater. Seriously, it’s like I’m in Se7en, except I have neither a battle-scarred vet to talk me down from ledge nor a didactic murderer on the loose to add some spice to my day-to-day. Add in the Tigers taking a massive shit and Darius Morris apparently leaning towards departure, and you have all the makings for an awful week. Last month, I tried to celebrate the ongoing BLAH with a mix of 80s underground.  Today, I have no choice but to pull out even bigger guns:  downtempo electronica. Such is my need for cerebral decampment. These are all pretty long, so I’ll stick with five tracks from the heavy hitters of IDM—Nightmares on Wax, Aphex Twin, Air, Boards of Canada, and Wagon Christ. Drink and be refreshed….

Side note, there’s truly a disgusting number of YouTube vids of idiots drinking Mana Energy Potions—the one linked above is far and away the best, though.

“Les Nuits” by Nightmares on Wax, on Carboot Soul (1999)

“Xtal” by Aphex Twin, on Selected Ambient Works 85–92 (1992)

“La Femme d’Argent” by Air, on Moon Safari (1998)

“Left Side Drive” by Boards of Canada, on Trans Canada Highway (2006)

“Shadows” by Wagon Christ, on Sorry I Make You Lush (2004)

5 comments on “Stolen Sunshine Mix, cont: Downtempo Electronica

  1. Word has reached me that Ben has leveled a paladin to 65 in a mere 3 weeks. Is it just me or does WoW seem too easy now?

    Also, JB, do you have any Boards of Canada?

  2. WoW has become less of a hassle for leveling, which I don’t mind. However, I suspect it’s too easy to get epics at 85.
    And yes I does gots some. I haven’t had a serious phase yet though.

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