SOTW: “Roulette Dares”

Not to detract from the convo happening in the 30 by 30 thread (help is definitely needed), but I felt compelled to post this Mars Volta song before life happened and I stopped listening to them for a year… All you guitar guys will love Omar — he’s right up there with J Mascis and the Built To Spill guys. If you like this track, definitely check out De-loused in the Comatorium and/or Frances The Mute. Both are incredible albums and I apologize if I haven’t talked about them earlier…

8 comments on “SOTW: “Roulette Dares”

  1. so ive been expecting a Mich v ND post for two days now, preferably one with smilin denard or lloyd brady. I understand if everyone is still in shock

  2. “Grey Machine” has a high crushability rating. When the drums come in at 9:12… omg.

    But ya I really need to get back to posting…

  3. Okay, what’s the consensus…. do we give Wilco another chance? I am listening to the “Born Alone” single and it isn’t as spectacularly shitty as all the songs on Wilco’s self titled debacle.

  4. I got through the new Wilco once before they stopped streaming it. The first song kicked my ass in a big way but I remember being somewhat disappointed that the rest of the album wasn’t in a similar vein. I think overall though, there was far more quality than not. I’ll probably pick it up.

    Speaking of new stuff, Malkmus’s new one, Mirror Traffic, is quite good. I’ve listened to it a few times, but Scott has been raving about it. I wish he would post a track or two…

  5. A thousand apologies to tracks nation for my disappearing act. I’ve been recently promoted and am working the kind of hours I thought reserved only for accountants and porn stars. I come home and haven’t the energy but to crack a beer and let Malkmus’s supple licks soothe me toward blissful incoherence. Ok, break time over: I have like ten people’s life’s works to decline….

  6. Just listened to the last track, “One Sunday Morning”, again… Wow. Just wow.

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