New TV On The Radio Track Is Full Of Catch

Can’t embed this one, but I highly recommend checking out this track from the upcoming TV On The Radio album, Nine Types Of Light. It’s called “Will Do” and it’s great. That is all.

PS. Andy, you may recall that this is the band you danced like a madman to that one time Scott and I visited the Nati.

2 comments on “New TV On The Radio Track Is Full Of Catch

  1. Favorite moment of that particular show:
    Scott: “Oh my god. ‘Wolf Like Me’ was amazing”
    Andy: “Which was that?”
    Matt: “Remember the one they just rocked the shit out of? That was it.”

    Also, chatting with that random couple afterwords while we waited for Megan to come pick us up in the minivan. Priceless.

  2. Don’t forget getting patted down at the door. Still the first and only time that’s happened to me at a show.

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