So I like lyrics n’ stuff so I decided to make a new series of posts…. so, ya. Post your favorite line from a song, and write nothing else (the lyrics should speak for themselves). Commentors are only allowed to post their favorite lyrics from the respective band, if you want to change bands you gotta make a new post. I expect some Silver Jews from Matt, and I’m not quite sure what to expect of Merlin and Mogwai. So here’s one of my favorite lines of any BTS song…..
“When I was a kid I saw a light
Floating high above the trees one night
Thought it was an alien
Turned out to be just god”
So many rules, but I’ll play… I have two:
“I’m already nothing… You just noticed me fading… It takes a lot to make me crazy… And a lot is always going on…”
“I want to see their faces turn to backs of heads and slowly get smaller…”
Ahh the second one is one of my favs too
“You know it’s time that we grow old and do some shit”
Merlin didnt read the rules
Late to the game here, but I’ll throw in mine:
And you better not be angry
and you better no be sad
you better just enjoy the luxury of sympathy
if that’s a luxury you have
Velvet Waltz is altogether an awesome song