Icy/Hot Ride

So I somehow managed to screw up my back royally last night. My Friday evening was a relatively tame one, and I have absolutely no recollection of lumbar strain, so my current agony is presumably the result of something horrendously humdrum like sleeping on it funny or depressingly feeble like standing up too quickly. Anyhoo, not one to mess around with pain, I took a handful of aspirin, slapped on an Icy/Hot patch, and slammed a beer (all per doctor’s orders) before settling into a comfortably numb morning of waiting for the basketball game to start some six hours later. The one thing I lacked was, of course, a bit of sonic narcotic to further cement my analgesia. But as luck would have it, in our music exchange that week, Will had supplied just the prescription, the recently-released 20th anniversary reissue of Ride’s stellar debut, Nowhere, featuring bonus material including a killer live recording of the band at The Roxy in LA circa 1991.

The stuff of legend even back in their early ’90s heyday, Ride’s live chops are anything but disappointing.  Here, the band absolutely wails through a dozen of the most jealously-inspiring live tracks I’ve ever heard. I mean, seriously, before Pavement shows became a reality, I figured I’d be willing to spend around $150 for a ticket to see Malkmus et al; listening to this, my Ride limit would certainly approach the century mark—that these assholes probably got in for around ten bucks burns in my craw like you wouldn’t believe. I’ve taken the liberty of uploading the entire show because, to be perfectly honest, the highlights are songs one through twelve. That triple-rimshot beat in “Vapour Trail” might just be the best thing ever, though…

11 comments on “Icy/Hot Ride

  1. I don’t doubt you could, Andy. Somewhat ironic, though, given that your dance (and presumably playing) style is the very antithesis of shoegaze.

  2. Not sure if this is the proper way to do this, but I thought it might be a big moment for the blog.

    I would like to formally announce my engagement to be married to Megan. I will not reveal her last name, and therefore you will be left wondering which Megan it is. Is it the Megan you know and love? Maybe not. Is it some hot new plaything attracted to my dolla dolla billz? Maybe so….

    But this is for realz.

  3. EPIC!!!! I knew posting a photo of Shaq would inspire good things. Also, not to get ahead of ourselves, but I trust you’ll be booking Matt and I to play the after party….

  4. Well we want Laszlo Toth obvs. (I’m not sure if it consists of more than you and Matt).

  5. WOOO! Andy Albertz. I may just be a sucker for alliteration, but that has quite the ring to it.

    Also, while we don’t do receptions, we’re currently gigging for both wedding after parties and actual weddings themselves. We play a mean dueling organ.

  6. Congrats, though ive never met you or your fiancee, you guys look great together. And im pretty sure if matt and scott land a gig this big then its only fair if Team Slayer can come too. I play a mean harmonica and merlin can….. find things

  7. haha…. if bobby brockman shows up the ladies better beware the fist pump

  8. If Bobby Brockman is anything like Rob Dyrdeck’s alter ego Bobby Lite, I think we’re all in for a treat.

    So, what does Team Slayer think of this live Ride album? Between the drums, the hooks, and the killer guitar sounds, I’m with Scott: I need to see Ride live. They almost sound like a slowed down mid-80’s version of Dino Jr minus the crazy solos — you can definitely tell that J had a huge impact on their “wall of sound” aesthetic. “Seagull” absolutely blows my mind.

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