Ian Sefchick, You Still Has The Catch

It’s been a while since I’ve listened to anything by Ian Sefchick (pronounced eye-en). When Creeper Lagoon broke up several years ago, I kind of wrote him off in favor of material by the other half of Creeper’s songwriting duo, Sharky Laguana. Like many classic bands, Creeper had that dueling personality thing going on, with Ian playing the role of lead singer-I-write-straightforward-but-incredibly-catchy-pop-songs, and Sharky adding the introverted but much more experimental numbers to the mix. The result was a string of EPs and two LPs that would have put 95% of bands solidly into the indie rock canon. This did not happen. They broke up, I sided with Sharky’s more experimental aesthetic, had to stop hanging out with Ian, and pretty much haven’t talked with him or his parents in 7 years. He still has my VCR.*

Short story short, I came across a mixture of songs from various bands he’s been in since Creeper — On The Speakers, Ghost Baby, Captain Paper — and the guy still has the catch. I completely underestimated his post-Creeper output. I’m still most fond of Sharky’s Long Dry Cold material, but it looks like I’m going to have to pick up some of Ian’s stuff now as well. The catch is just too much, especially on that second track, “Lost You.” Also, if you’re interested in downloading any of the tracks above, check out the 6th post from the bottom for links. Great music for a sunny spring weekend if you have such luck.

* May or may not have happened.