I Have An INNI

Sigur Ros has a new film titled Inni that’s coming out in August and based on the trailer above, it looks incredible. Excluding reunion shows, my 2005 Sigur Ros experience is by far the best concert I’ve ever been to. This teaser has me all jazzed up now. I’m gonna go listen to “Untitled 8″ for an hour.

11 comments on “I Have An INNI

  1. im going to take this opportunity to let every one know that school is back in session and calth is back. I pretty much wasnt on all summer cause of all the activities, but now im all ears, and scott im sry im late to comment on ur lotr post, i rly appreciate any and all references.

  2. And matt i want ur music but this new bartering thing u want me to do has me a little nervous and anxious. I honestly have no idea what cds u dont have but i guess ill have to begin researching

  3. Update: just got the belly button joke
    ok im done posting now

  4. Well I’m glad you’re back Calth but you’re becoming a man and men own more than AC/DC and Linkin Park (or maybe they don’t, maybe that’s exactly what they do own — these things are very difficult to know for sure). You just need to find a decent used CD store near you.

  5. The problem with miami is that their cd stores will only have acdc and linkin park, merlin can back me up on this

  6. Calth, we don’t even have a CD store. Matt has been my CD store my entire college career.

  7. This is most unfortunate. No man should have this much power.

    Also, I hear it’s your birthday. Happy birthday. You’ve aged well.

  8. Oooh good find. I heard a piano track a while back that was pretty good. Gonna check the others out now.

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