It’s that time of the year again, the kind that lasts 8 months and sometimes makes you want to lay face down in the leaves and not take Galadriel’s hand. But then you realize that it’s not really Galadriel that picks you up, but it’s your own willpower. And not only is it not her hand, but its like a metaphor and stuff. That hand that picks me up is the good old itunes. I feel like I’ve been through it a thousand times and come all this way only to abandon Sam and get abandoned by Gollum, but alas my itunes has yet to fail me. Usually in times of creative need my musical tastes can be very picky and while i scroll through the various bands Creeper Lagoon is one of the first bands I pass over. Their catch and pop are like lembas bread for my brain when I’m craving a big meat snack (potatoes, sausages and nice crispy bacon). But for some reason Long Dry Cold caught my eye, and dayum am i glad it did. I’m sure the arse knows why this album is so different from their others, it’s full of a different kind of awesome. Ill shut up, Here’s Gigantor.
And i did not brake the rules of D and B, which makes me question things….
I haven’t heard that before… and it is a totally different sound. I got undertones of something almost flaming lips-ish. Very riding my bike on a sunny day, but in a cool way somehow?
Love this song. Of my top 10 most played songs in iTunes, 70% of them are from this album. The last track, “Hypothesis”, gives me chills.