Back on Tracks

So apologies for the extended hiatus. I’m just back from a weeklong vacation that took me from New Haven to New York to Delaware to Philly, from attending a pair of killer Archers gigs* to surfcasting (ineffectually) on the Atlantic to touring America’s eleventh largest craft brewery to checking out an old friend’s new digs. I’m left now with a souvenir t-shirt, several overpriced used records, and a week and a half’s worth of face mane that I’ve promised myself will remain ’til at least  Sunday next. Anyhoo, for today’s post, I thought I’d throw up a few songs off one of the aforementioned just-acquired, overpriced used records, namely Giant Sand’s stellar 1992 release “Center of the Universe.” I was only vaguely familiar with Giant Sand, mostly because of the band’s subsequent and better known offshoots, Friends of Dean Martinez and Calexico, whose avant-jazz meets southwestern surf instrumentals I’ve always enjoyed. Like Calexico, Giant Sand purveyed a brand of twangy indie rock, only far heavier on the distortion and featuring only the finest abstract, half-drunk speak singing, like some desert-fried version of the Meat Puppets. Pepper in cockeyed pop numbers like “Milkshake Girl” that’d give even Mercury Rev a run for their money as well as a pair of tailor-made road warriors in “Pathfinder” and “Off Ramp Man,” and you have a stone cold classic for the highway drive between here and there (five points for Pavement reference)—and worth, trust me on this, three to four times the ten bucks I dropped on it….

*Check 9:10 in this vid to see random dominatrix grab me from behind and starkly command “BOOST.” I love how Matt makes literally no move to keep her up when she subsequently stage dives onto his head.

5 comments on “Back on Tracks

  1. If I’m being completely honest with you, I am pretty glad your blog doesn’t have a rampant following. Mainly because you just put a picture of my house on the internet. Good post though, and I hope you enjoyed your time in Philly.

  2. Ugh, fine Scott. I’ve swapped in a less revealing, and ultimately awesomer photo. See for yourself….

  3. That guy just won a “I’m not wearing a shirt under this jacket” competition. He is pretty excited about it.

  4. As he should. It’s an admittedly good look, though one I’m far too self-conscious to ever attempt. Also, you should set up a global avatar @ Your blogging experience (here and elsewhere) will be thoroughly enriched.

  5. I literally did not see that girl jump at my face until she was already an inch over my head. That and I was saving my energy because I assumed you’d be next and I knew very few would be willing to help a dude crowd surf.

    Welcome Scott, it’s been long time, been long time indeed.

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