So, given Andy and Megan’s impending nuptials, I thought it might be fun if we started throwing together a mix-tape for them. While I won’t go so far as to suggest the final product would be an IDEAL party favor for invitees . . . actually, no—I will suggest exactly that. If I don’t A) get invited to this shindig, and B) receive a festively-decorated copy of the mix-to-be, I will seriously slip a disc. Anyhoo, with our sweet proximity to the wonderland that is post-season College Hoops, I think it’s best if we evaluate potential inclusions as we would any team on the bubble—in terms of key wins, key losses, and the bottom line. Matt, feel free to tag team this with me….
“Tennessee” by Silver Jews, off Bright Flight (2001)
Key Wins: Overarching themes of love and building a life with someone are obviously working in this team’s favor, as is the verbatim reference to marriage barely a minute in. The Stephen Foster/Cincinnati connection, not to mention the fact that Nati falls, for all intents and purposes, within the borders of Kentucky, adds further fuel to this honky-tonk fire.
Key Losses: A less than kosher mascot somewhat hurts this team’s chances for mainstream appeal, as does the punk rock death turn midway through. Key player David Berman will absolutely need to keep suicidal drug addictions in check to keep wedding playlist hopes alive.
Bottom Line: Like the best relationships, this is a team of drop-dead gorgeous discrepancy—from the awkward pairing of Berman’s gravely, speak-sing drawl with a beautifully countrified melody to that striking juxtaposition of affecting poetics with an unapologetically goofy chorus of “You’re the only ten I see…” In the end, it’s that impossibly unforced likability shared by Andy/Megan and Berman/sweetheart Cassie Marrett which practically guarantees this one a deep mix-tape run.
If this one makes it into the big dance, how will it be received by the crowd? Not everyone understands that the best teams (music groups) require a point guard (lead singer) that can’t shoot (sing).
Thanks for dedicated post. I enjoyed the song, though definitely an unexpected turn halfway through.
Ooooh I like this game. Putting a list together right now. More to come…