Shoegazing: “The Garden Ends”

Wow so the past month has been pretty slow here on The Tracks. I blame global warming for my general state of lethargy. Anyway, I’m going to ease back into things with a quick track by one of my favorite Shoegaze/Dream Pop acts, The Autumns. I think if I had to pick one song to accurately describe twilight in late-summer, it would be “The Garden Ends” off The Autumns debut album, The Angel Pool. Where most shoegazers consciously buried lead vocals deep in the mix, The Autumns put Matthew Kelley’s vox right up at the forefront, making for some incredibly epic tunes. And damn can the guy sing. My favorite part is right after the solo at the 4:30 mark when the lead guitar hangs onto a single burst of feedback for a few seconds while the rest of the band explodes into the chorus again. Epic.