Favorite Acts of Music in 2010, #4

4. Reckless Records, Chicago, IL — I will forever be loyal to the Ann Arbor, MI used music scene (Encore, Wazoo, etc.), but for the year I lived in Chicago, Reckless Records on Broadway took my music obsession to another level. Between their constantly rotating bargain bin, the $1 shelves, and their incredible selection of new and used music, it’s frightening to think how much I would have dropped in that place if I had had any sort of steady income at the time. Dare I say I would have been reckless? No that’s lame, I dare not. As it was, I still managed to acquire a ton of great albums. If it wasn’t for Reckless, I would have been musically lost in Chicago. So in short, thank you Reckless. I will be back.

The playlist above highlights a few of my favorite songs acquired via Reckless between mid-2009 and mid-2010 that I probably wouldn’t have come across if not for them. If you’re ever in Chicago, I highly recommend checking out one of their three stores. They also have their complete collection available for order online — I’ve ordered a few albums from them since moving and they’re all quick-like. Check it out.