So at last it’s official. Spring 2011 has seen record setting wet deluge A2, MI. Apparently 16.66 inches of precipitation hath befallen my fair city these last three months—though, honestly, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if upwards a quarter that was just residents spitting at Mother Nature in disgust. I tried 80s underground jangle. I tried downtempo electronica. But I shall futz no more in the face of such inclementia—it’s clearly time for obscure nineties Celtic electro-folk. Entering 1998, you’dve been hard-pressed to pick a song less likely to break the Billboard Top 20 than the first single off Loreena Mckennitt’s seventh album, the relatively unheralded (even by Canadian standards) The Book of Secrets. Sure, “Building a Mystery” had opened the door for a brand of Gothic-tinged freak folk-lite, but “The Mummers’ Dance” was unapologetically new age Celtic-fusion—a sort of Enigma meets Clannad lovechild that had little business flirting with the BNL’s and 3EB’s dominating the charts that year. But flirt the song did, eventually onto that Ever After trailer I remember being played at least eight times an hour the summer of my fifteenth year—seriously, am I the only one who immediately thought “Just breath…” the second they show Drew Barrymore wearing that crazy angel-fly getup? Jeez Louise was there a push to make her an awkward sex symbol in the late nineties….