8. Hip Hop — Let’s switch things up a bit here. So over the past few years I’ve found myself increasingly curious about Hip Hop. It’s ok Team Slayer, I’m still partial to the pop, but after getting into electronica, hip hop just seemed like the natural next step. Anyway, the problem for me has always been that it’s a daunting genre to just jump into if: A) you know next to nothing about it and B) you’re hesitant to waste your time wading through the crap to find the good stuff. I mean, I had picked up a few albums over the years by artists that sit on the “electronica/hip hop” border such as Prefuse 73, cLOUDDEAD, Subtle, etc, but I had never really jumped in. Lucky for me, Scott did and he found the good stuff. Artists like El-P, Cannibal Ox (produced by El-P), Peanut Butter Wolf, and Madvillain all have a solid sound that anyone who likes a good beat can appreciate. Maybe you’re not feeling it now, but if you ever get to the point where you find yourself looking for some electronica with vocals that doesn’t sound like the f’ing Postal Service, give El-P or Cannibal Ox a chance. Or if by chance, you want to just jump in, the above is off El-P’s incredible Fandam Plus. Any opinions from Team Slayer?
CIOIYL: atmospheric beats, Four Tet, electronica, beats and want to get into hip hop but hate everything you’ve ever heard on the radio/tv.